I spent the last two weekends at the Cape with Brent’s family, which was rudely interrupted by a work-week in between. We were never a big Cape family growing up, so now I am trying to make up for it. My lack of upper body strength was especially evident on my first ever fishing trip […]

Techincally, Hanukkah and Christmas are over. However, because the holidayS includes New Years, I am rationalizing that I can still write “holiday” related posts. This little accent is very easy to complete, starting with two old candlesticks- or in my case, Home Goods candlesticks- and two generous coats of your favorite Rust Oleum paint color. […]

I am going to cut right to the chase- my first attempt at making a gingerbread house was a massive failure. I elbowed fellow Target shoppers to get the last few packages, and open it with joy and anticipation, only to find that my house was shattered into about a million pieces. Although I was […]

Just a short post for this Thursday! As many pet owners can sympathize, buying supplies for your animal can be EXPENSIVE! I was recently hunting for a second bed for the kitties, as they are getting too big to snuggle up together in one, and stormed out of Petco in an angry rage that they […]

This is literally such an amateur and low-effort craft that I almost feel silly to post it. However, in the respect of full disclosure of my Pinterest-themed apartment, I’ll include it! I found some really cute present boxes in the scrapbooking section of Michaels, and while I had originally planned to make some new refrigerator […]

Don’t get collywobbles while Musings from Providence takes a jaunt over the pond to Jolly Ol England! (Can you tell that I have been brushing up on my slang? Thank you to Buzzfeed) http://www.buzzfeed.com/mackenziekruvant/british-slang-americans-should-start-using Wishing everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving and Thanksgivukkah, we will be back in December with lots of holiday themed crafts and recipes!